The Return!

hi folks,

GUBI is back!

after some (long - long - longer) delays i finaly made a new release.
this one is better, bigger, greater, smarter and thicker (hae?) than


- new widget GtkNotebook
	there is just one new widget - GtkNotebook, but this improved
	GUBIs GUI a lot (the widget editor).

- generic structure interface
	with the new generic structure interface GUBI even knows about
	the inheritance order of widgets in Gtk+ wich makes adding new
	wigets even easier. you will see this in the widget editor,
	the fields of a widget are put into pages named after the
	parent that this fields are inherited from. also this introduces
	a small performance improvement on gbc file parsing.

- improved widget editor
	finaly the widget editor doesn't do the strange expand/collapse
	behaviour anymore, instead it uses a GtkNotebook. there is a
	define GTK_BUGS_WORKAROUND that is enabled by default to
	temporarily fix the display problem of GtkNotebook.

- signal editor
	the greatest improvement is the signal editor, wich shows all
	valid signals of a widget and lets one connect a function to it.
	hello_world.gbc is a nice example to demonstrate this, it doesn't
	require any c source and still performes some (very limited)

- command line options
	GUBI now parses the command line and allowes source building
	from a config file without connection to an X-server (enter
	`gubi --help' ;).

- stability
	with this version lots of memory leaks have been fixed.
	i also found about 4-5 occasions for segfaults that just
	didn't happen to appear on my system, because i used an old
	gnu malloc lib.
	with my own implementation of memory allocation and freeing
	(via mmap and mprotect) lots of things showed up ;)
	so this version should be *far* more stable.

X step list to build an application:

1)	start gubi ;)
2)	click on [Trees]"Read"
3)	read in ./gbc/hello_world.gbc (with e.g. double click)
4)	click on [Trees]"Build C source"
5)	click on "Build" to build the c source in ./test_src
6)	cd into ./test_src and type `make && main' and
	yup - you are running the first
	'not-programmed-gtk+-application' ;)

i'm curious to here your comments on this version.

you can get GUBI from
or via it's web page

hope you will enjoy testing it just like i enjoyed programming it ;))


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