I happened to notice the other day that when you start up GTK+ with the Red Hat Bluecurve icon theme, out of the total of 1M of allocated memory, about 0.5M is simply icon theme. Also, as noted earlier, we are doing lots of system call traffic on startup to read all this data in. Here's a proposal to fix these problems: for each icon theme directory we keep a binary icon index file which we can simply mmap() and use directly. The directory index doesn't try to hold all information from the index.theme files that you would need to do lookups; it turns out that with the icon theme specification, this isn't even sensible - you can install a $HOME/.local/share/icons/Bluecurve/index.theme That overrides /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/index.theme and chances how lookup happens for icons in /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve. Rather it just holds all stuff we get currently by trolling the filesystem. Attached is a first-draft proposal for the file format. Regards, Owen
Header: 2 CARD16 MAJOR_VERSION 2 CARD16 MINOR_VERSION 4 CARD32 HASH_OFFSET 4 CARD32 DIRECTORY_LIST_OFFSET DirectoryList: 4 CARD32 N_DIRECTORIES 4*N_DIRECTORIES CARD32 DIRECTORY_OFFSET Directory: 4 CARD32 NAME_OFFSET Hash: 4 CARD32 N_BUCKETS 4*N_BUCKETS CARD32 ICON_OFFSET Icon: 4 CARD32 CHAIN_OFFSET 4 CARD32 NAME_OFFSET 4 CARD32 IMAGE_LIST_OFFSET ImageList: 4 CARD32 N_IMAGES 4*N_IMAGES Image IMAGES ICON_FLAGS HAS_SUFFIX_PNG 1 HAS_SUFFIX_XPM 2 HAS_SUFFIX_SVG 4 HAS_ICON_FILE 8 Image: 2 CARD16 DIRECTORY_INDEX 2 ICON_FLAGS FLAGS Notes: * All numbers are in network (big-endian) order. This is necessary because the data will be stored in arch-independent directories like /usr/share/icons or even in user's home directories. * The hash function is that used by g_str_hash() unsigned int icon_str_hash (gconstpointer key) { const char *p = key; unsigned int h = *p; if (h) for (p += 1; *p != '\0'; p++) h = (h << 5) - h + *p; return h; } This should not be implemented by calling g_str_hash(). For optimal results, N_BUCKETS should be typically be prime. * The same file format is used for icon themes (e.g., /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve) and for unthemed icon directories (e.g., /usr/share/pixmaps) For an unthemed directory, N_DIRECTORIES==0 and each image has a DIRECTORY_INDEX field of 0xFFFF. * Up-to-dateness of a cache file is determined simply: If the mod-time on the directory where the cache file lives is newer than the mod-time of the cache file, the cache file is out of date. * Cache files have to be written atomically - write to a temporary name, then move over the old file - so that clients that have the old cache file open and mmap'ed won't get corrupt data.
Description: This is a digitally signed message part