Re: Keynav in standard dialogs

Owen Taylor wrote:

> Hmm, with my GtkTreeView'ized versions they seem mostly OK.  The font selector
> seems perfectly fine

Ah okay, I'd forgotten you were TreeViewizing things.  These are the
problems I see with the non-TreeViewed font selector, perhaps you can
confirm that they've been fixed in your version:

- When you open it, nothing seems to have focus.

- Cancel and OK have access keys, which they shouldn't, and Preview
doesn't, but it should.

- The biggest problem: focus traversal, and presentation of focus, is
horrendous. Starting from the "nothing has focus" state, this is the
effect of successive presses of Tab:

1. Focus moves to Family entry field.  This is pointless, as you can't
type into it, which itself is a usability problem.

2. Focus moves to Style entry field. You can't type into this one

3. Focus moves to Size field.  Hurray, we can type into this one :o)

4. Focus appears to stay on Size field, but the default indicator
disappears from OK.  What has focus now?

5. Focus appears to stay in Size field, but default indicator re-appears
on the OK button.  What has focus now?

6. Focus appears to stay in Size field, but the default indicator has
re-appeared on OK.  What has focus now?

7. Focus moves to Style list.

8. Focus disappears, default indicator disappears from OK button.  What
has focus now?

Subsequent presses of Tab are fine, viz:

9. Focus moves to Size list.

10. Focus moves to Preview area.

11. Focus moves to Cancel button.

12. Focus moves to OK button.

13. Back to 1.

> the file selector has a couple of problems:
>  - No way to get out of entry box. (Nothing I can do about it eating Tab
>    without breaking the way the widget works currently, but Shift/Control
>    Tab should work.)

Yep, Ctrl+Tab (and Shift+Ctrl+Tab) definitely need to work here.

> The widgets could also use some mnemonic addition.

Yes, they do need that.  Also, Cancel and OK have access keys, but
shouldn't have.


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com    Desktop Engineering Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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