Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Warning - Read the First couple of Paragraph Before you Decide if You want To read The rest

Although I said all the flames will go into the garbage can, I can't
resist this one. If you knew what you were talking about, and to who you
were talking to, you would know that I have been working with Damien for
years doing my part to help test and resolve issues from people such as
yourself. It would be wise to know what your talking about before you

I think in this case, a saying we have here, "Since light travels faster
then sound people appear bright until you hear them speak" applies quite
well. Thank you for your input.

On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 02:23 -0500, John B wrote:
> On Thursday 25 May 2006 19:04, George Boyd wrote: 
>   <snip a lot of craP>
> > I know this next statement will anger a
> > lot of people, but the biggest culprit is ALSA, NOT Ekiga. What is wrong
> > with you guys?
>   They have an idiot like you whining and complaining, instead of trying to 
> help them develop. That's a major part of the problem.
>   Now, unless you are going to *volunteer* your time, like the ALSA guys, and 
> try to make things any better...FOAD, please.
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