[GnomeMeeting-list] SIP Listening fails

I am getting no SIP support with Ekiga for Ubuntu Dapper. It sometime works, sometime don't work. It seem to complain about something that is using the SIP port already

debug -1 enabled as below - at end:

2006/03/09 14:59:36.441   0:03.394                        ekiga GnomeMeeting version 1.99.1
2006/03/09 14:59:36.442   0:03.395                        ekiga OPAL version unknown
2006/03/09 14:59:36.442   0:03.397                        ekiga PWLIB version 1.9.3
2006/03/09 14:59:36.444   0:03.397                        ekiga GNOME support enabled
2006/03/09 14:59:36.445   0:03.398                        ekiga Fullscreen support enabled
2006/03/09 14:59:36.445   0:03.399                        ekiga DBUS support disabled
2006/03/09 14:59:36.474   0:03.427                        ekiga Set TCP port range to 3000030010
2006/03/09 14:59:36.474   0:03.427                        ekiga Set RTP port range to 50005059
2006/03/09 14:59:36.475   0:03.430                        ekiga Set UDP port range to 50605100
2006/03/09 14:59:36.832   0:03.785                        ekiga Listen  Error in UDP listen: Address already in use
2006/03/09 14:59:36.834   0:03.787                        ekiga Listen  Could not start any UDP listeners
2006/03/09 14:59:36.835   0:03.788                        ekiga OpalEP  Could not start listener: udp$
2006/03/09 14:59:36.906   0:03.859                        ekiga AVAHI   Error initializing Avahi: %sDaemon not running

It state the address is already in use. With no IM clients or Ekiga or any other SIP softphone running anywhere on the network I checked via nmap to see what would be using the 5060 port as below (it is the same even with Ekiga running)

:~$ nmap -p 5060

Starting Nmap 3.95 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2006-03-09 15:07 GMT
Interesting ports on
5060/tcp closed sip

Increasing range to 5060-5100 - same result, all ports closed - so there's nothing using those ports.

I don't know what's causing the problem or how to find out what's "using" those ports, although I do realise that I am using a distro that is still in active development :)

Hope you can help.

Many thanks

Joseph Gwynne-Jones

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