[GnomeMeeting-list] problem calling with Internet PhoneJACK-PCI

I have problems to call to a phone with gnomemeeting: I enter callto:
0043699... (a real phonenumber) and click connect then I get the message
that the phone is occupied. but this is not true. - I have allready
contacted microtelco for this problem, but they wrote me, that I should
post a message to this mailinglist.

I am using gnomemeeting 0.98.1; I have a Microtelco account and I can
register to the gatekeeper gk.microtelco.com (I see in the log
registering to bmac 66 7 159 99). I can register to an ils server too. 
I checked my system clock, it have the right time in the right timezone.
And for testing purposeses I turnd off my firewall, but this had no

has anybody a hint, what is going wrong?

thanks a lot in advance.


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