Re: Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] XML Hack? do not intend cause of spam and porn? hmmm
I think I don't understand what gnomemeeting is! is it only a programm
for a little clubbing-community on the server? I think
so cause the most meeters on the net use netmeeting and windows! if u
like to call the programm such general like gnome and meeting what
implies netmeeting compatibillity you have to make it possible to talk
to all H232 users! otherwise nobody needs gnomemeeting! yes, microsoft
makes it impossible but you could make it possible! I need this bug
linux for security reasons and I need gnomemeeting to talk to my
girlfriend! so whats up??? what would you say if nobody would write
emailprogramms cause of spam? what would u say if the state would
forbbid inet cause of porn availibl to kids? if you think this way, the
normal and demokratic thing that you have to do is to start a campain
against the things you don't like!
if I had the knowledge about xml and the time for it I would do the
hack, but at the moment I have to learn a lot of math to become a god
friendly greetings NiX

Am Son, 2003-01-26 um 21.33 schrieb Damien Sandras:
> Le dim 26/01/2003 à 19:52, philipp sutter a écrit :
> > Damien Sandras wrote:
> > > Yes it is possible to do it, but nobody has written a precise manual
> > > describing how to do it.
> > 
> > > If you want Netmeeting users to see you, you can ask them to register
> > >, other ILS servers are not very interesting for most
> > > GnomeMeeting users as they are full of porn and fake entries.
> > 
> > I have the same problem:
> > I connect to ils server, which prefer netmeeting.
> No the problem is different, that's Netmeeting that only lists other
> Netmeeting clients.
> > in gnomemeeting I can see me on the userlist of the ils-server and on
> > the userlist of the ils-website. but i am not regestered as someone, to
> > whom somebody can connect by netmeeting. 
> > 
> > what can I do to change that?
> > 
> - either you can connect on the ILS server of GnomeMeeting users and ask
> to the people you know using Netmeeting to connect there too
> - or you can modify the xml files used to register to ILS servers, no
> precise manual has been written for that, and we *do not* intent to
> write one because none of us is interested in registering to Netmeeting
> servers, they are full of porn, and spam. If you are really interested,
> you will need to learn by yourself how to do it.
> -- 
>  _	Damien Sandras
> (o-	GnomeMeeting:
> //\	FOSDEM 2003:
> v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com
> echo
> '12245692587856285105409351sn[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb[q]salbxq'|dc
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