[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Any problem with audio pluggin on GM NG ??

Hello all,

I downloaded Gnomemeeting NG (1.3.0) from wiki.seconix.com a few days ago.
It compiled well and no errors where detected in any packages (pwlib, opal or GM NG) (just a small pb with the release number to change from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1 in configure.in)

I installed gnomemeeting-snapshot it on my machine where already exits GM 1.2.1 which is OK.
(As explained in the readme file)

When I launch GM NG (gnomemeeting-snapshot) I get the following error message: "Aucun greffon utilisable détecté" I would translate it as "No audio plugin detected"
and GM NG stops

I don't understand this as GM 1.2.1 works well using Alsa on my machine.

Do you have any idea where I could find some usefull traces or logs to understand
where could be the problem as I think this is only a config issue on my PC.

Thank you all in advance.



La musique est peut-etre l'exemple unique de ce qu'aurait pu etre, s'il n'y avait eu l'invention du language, la formation des mots, l'analyse des mots, la communication des ames.   Marcel Proust
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