Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Failed to load avcodec_set_print_fn

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 20:29:10 +0100
Rajil Saraswat <rajil saraswat imperial ac uk> wrote:

> Hi all,
>     I run a gentoo box and everytime i start gnomemeeting (versions upto 
> 1.0.2) i get the error "Failed to load avcodec_set_print_fn". 
> Google says that it could be an issue with alsa, so i am trying to compile 
> gnomemeeting without alsa support(using soundblaster live!)



The error you are getting has nothing to do with ALSA, so don't bother
with that.

The message you are getting is displayed when OpenH323 cannot find a
required function in the file needed for H.263. This file
is loaded at run-time due to licensing issues, and it obviously exists
on your system but just as obviously, it is the wrong file.

You don't say whether you are enabling the non-compliant H.263 (the
default configuration) or the compliant H.263 (which requires the
--enable-rfc2190avcodec dir option). Either way, you will need a
modified (and different) file.

My guess is that are just running "./configure", and your program is
trying to use the unmodified FFMpeg file, rather than
using the modified one that is needed. That will cause the error you are

If you don't care about H.263, then you need to stop OpenH323 from
finding and trying to load the incorrect file. To do this,
edit the openh323u.mak file and change "#define H323_AVCODEC 1" to
"#undef H323_AVCODEC"

If you do want H.263, then read
about how to use the --enable-rfc2190avcodec option to configure.


 Craig Southeren, craigs postincrement com
 Post Increment - Software, Consulting and Services
 Co-founder of the only open source H.323 project
 Phone: +61 2 43654666   Fax: +61 2 43673140   Mobile: +61 417 231046
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