Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] ILS Server

Hi Christian,

Le jeu 03/04/2003 à 12:52, Christian Strauf a écrit :
> Well, unfortunately I can't offer you a solution for the software problem but I
> would like to offer two things: we have an "unused" dual Xeon 2.4GHz with lots
> of HD-space and lots of RAM and big net-pipes. We could, if you like, set up an
> IPv6-only mirror of (e.g. or
> something similar). And we could host the ILS-server (maybe a v6-only ILS?) if
> your connection above doesn't work out. Just let me know if you like the idea.

We have 2 problems :
- is hosted at university in my department. This is
not a problem. The problem is with the DNS, the DNS is the DNS of the
university, and the person in charge of it doesn't like to modify it for
non-uni related things (I can't even have an email
address). So it is a problem for a mirror. Another problem is that I
would have to ask for permissions for mirroring...

- there is no need (currently) to find another place to host the ILS, as
I have bought a "powerful" server and found a place where I can host it
with much bandwidth and an IPv6 address too ;)

The real problem of the ILS, is that we are using a PERL script to
translate the requests into pure LDAP, and it is not very stable. So
hardware speaking, everything is ok now, but for the software, I think
that GnomeMeeting is ok, but not its ILS server...

Paul plans to patch OpenLDAP to support directly ILS, if anybody of you
wants to help him so that we can get a replacement software ILS quickly,
please let me know. We really need help there...

> Again, this doesn't solve the ILs-software prob, sorry...
> Christian
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
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