Re: Errors at startup

On Mon, 2002-02-04 at 07:53, Christian Marillat wrote:
> >> "BH" == Bradford Hovinen <hovinen ximian com> writes:
> [...]
> > First, please check if this happens when you apply settings from the
> > command line, e.g. background-properties-capplet --apply
> Before doing those test I've removed ~/.gnome/capplet-archive/ and
> reconfigured gnomecc.
> I got that :
>  $ background-properties-capplet --apply
> background-properties-WARNING **: Ne peut charger le pixbuf « home/marillat/Images/Homer.jpg » ; désactivation du papier peint.

Looks like your wallpaper is set incorrectly; I imagine it should read

Everything else looks correct to me. Assuming the errors on startup are
still occuring, there is one other small diagnostic: check the ownership
of /tmp/.ICE-unix, which should be root.root. I have found that the
ownership sometimes changes to another user, which causes some problems
with session management.

<debugging spew snipped>

> Christian
Bradford Hovinen                                                  Hacker                    Ximian Desktop team
hovinen ximian com                                          Ximian, Inc.

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