Re: List of GNOME applications


This is my first post to the gnome-web-list, so please be nice :)

I just wanted to let you know that I have just completed a PHPBB2 to
Drupal import script that imports the users, topics(nodes),
polls(nodes), posts(comments) and all the attachments/avatars.  I've
just successfully used it to import a 20000+ users and 400,000+ posts
of a Korean PHPBB community called KLDP ot Drupal so I know it works.
:) (Test site: / PHPBB site:

> Currently phpBB is just too weak when it comes to controlling spam. I am
> constantly fighting with spammers on And alot of
> people like the nested comment views that drupal provides on
> It is a possibly though if things improve.

Combined with KernelTrap's Jeremy's Andrew's wonderful Spam module, I
think Drupal offers a compelling solution to all the gnome related
PHPBB forums.  Jeremy's Spam module includes SURBL support for 6 Spam
URI realtime blocklists and a trackback "blackhole" module to block
trackback spammers who do not use the trackback module.

Having said that, on the surface it may seem that Drupal's forum has
little to offer when it comes to asthetics and usability but themeing
and extending the forums is fairly easy.  It just means that alot of
customization is necessary to setup a great looking Drupal site.

John Hwang

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