Re: The future of gup in developer and bugzilla

Hi, Shaun!

 I agree that wikis could be much more useful if they would offer a way
to use a fixed, heirarchical structure -- a sort of split into
sub-wikis. (And if they would finally agree on a common mark-up
standard, these bloody /&%$§$=()/ ).

 In fact, I'm not very excited about lgo - it still looks like a wiki
and this needs to be fixed.

 However, I also believe that even something like Drupal won't be able
to manage the amount of stuff the community produces when we would move
everything over to it. Luckly, my opinion doesn't matter much. ;-)


On Thu, 09 Feb 2006 11:49:53 -0600
Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:

> MoinMoin Wiki, at least, has only a very primitive concept of
> heirarchical nodes.  I don't see any way of putting pages under
> particular sections and having global navigation automatically
> provided based on those sections.
> Furthermore, a *big* part of the navigational problems is that
> we have multiple things being deployed with multiple technologies.
> Let's say, for instance, that the Gnome Packaging Project started
> existing again.  We should be able to set up a subsection for the
> GPP, under the "Developer" section or whatever, and have it just
> appear in all the navigation.  I don't want to add it in lots of
> different places.
> Why exactly are people so excited about  I mean,
> I understand its advantages over our hackneyed build system, but
> given a good CMS, why wouldn't we want to transition everything
> over?  A CMS gives you all the same advantages of a wiki, plus
> it provides tools for consistent navigation and allows certain
> pages or subsections to be built using tools more appropriate
> for their particularly needs.
> One tool to rule them all.
> --
> Shaun

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