Re: GNOME Foundation Elections - Preliminary results

On Thu, 15 Dec 2005 08:22:43 -0500
Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> wrote:

> I don't understand.

Please forget my remark. It wasn't important anyway.

> Well, you are explaining why we might have a low visitation rate to that
> page ... but actually we get a reasonable number of people going there.
> And an even higher number visiting the "Thank you page" for
> donors. What I'm interested in is why they aren't donating.

I believe we can expect a resonable number of visitors there: It's just
a click from the front page and people are curious, of course.

Concerning your question: It may be more productive to ask when or why
people donate. I can think of the following motivations to donate:

 * Compassion, Pity - Probably not what we want to communicate.
 * Gift exchange, Duty - That could be more appropriate.
 * Appeal: 'Help us GNOME improve' - needs a precise goal (see
   Firefox's NYT ad campaign)
 * Gaming, Fun  - People like to bet, especially for a good use

Most people visiting the 'friends of gnome' page are probably
curious first-timers who won't donate in such an early stage of their
GNOME career. The popular front-page links are thus wasted.

Of course, that's just my opinion.


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