Re: Information about mechanics of requesting a CVS account missing?


> > used to have a short description
> > about what you needed to provide for a CVS account, a link to,
> > etc.
> > 
> > Now it just links to the accounts policy, which doesn't have the practical
> > information in it.
> Hmm, badness. Glynn?

Yeah, seems so. I basically removed the details of getting a CVS account
from the original document because it was duplicated [or at least,
that's what I thought] elsewhere. Although having read the policy
document, I'm not entirely convinced the layout is good.

I think it would be better to have 

	- Introduction
	- Requesting a CVS account
	- Requesting a Shell account
	  etc etc

where 'Requesting a ...' would give a piece of information about the
account, and what you need to do to request one

ie. a more task based approach, even if it means duplicating the
information. Anyway, I'll add back the section about requesting the
account as a stop gap


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