contextual sidebar menus


> The (as yet unwritten, and I apologise for that) objective is to have
> contextual sidebar content only, across the sites. All of this tree stuff
> will end up disappearing. :-) [ The sidebars on w.g.o and d.g.o are just
> outgrowths of legacy build system stuff atm, prettified but not fixed. ]

Hmmm could you give me an example?

As you know I'm working on GTP status pages integration inside pages and I need to add the navigation menu so I
prefer start with the new menu idea (perhaps I could try to migrate all
developer menus), but I need to know your ideas :-P


> - Jeff
Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
mailto:carlos pemas net || mailto:carlos gnome org
Valencia - Spain

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