Having the sidebar on the right

Hi all,

One minor glitch with having the sidebar on the right, which I find
_very_ distracting while browsing w.g.o & friends, is that the sidebar
gets moved each time one goes from a page which is height is bigger than
the current viewport's height to one which is not, or vice versa: the
browser will add or remove a scrolling bar, and the sidebar is {
position: absolute; right: 0px; }

This movement takes place independently of whether the actual content of
the sidebar has changed, but it is quite noticeable, so attracts (my?)
attention each time.

I don't know if one can portably make browsers show the scrollbar 
(body {min-height: 110%} ?)

Of course, a browser with scrolling bars on the *left* would have the
same problem if the sidebar were on the left, but I don't think I've
seen a browser like that.

-- m

Mariano Suárez-Alvarez
Departamento de Matematica - FCEyN - Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ciudad Universitaria, Pab. I. (1428) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    De la observación de la irreductibilidad de las creencias últimas 
    he sacado la mayor lección de mi vida. Aprendí a respetar las ideas 
    ajenas, a detenerme ante el secreto de las conciencias, a entender 
    antes de discutir, a discutir antes de condenar. Y como estoy en 
    vena de confesiones, hago una más, quizás superflua: detesto con 
    toda mi alma a los fanáticos.

    Norberto Bobbio, Italia civil.


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