language bindings follow up

I've posted a minor revision at

This has only a few text changes per discussion with the language
binding maintainers.

There is one issue that must be resolved before I can
commit--markup/style.  The page I've posted has a <h3> in it because
when I read the information, the language binding look like a <h3> to
me, but there are no <h3> in the web-devel-2 content.  While I would
like to see us make good use of headings, I am not making good use of
style in this template.  I used the following to get it to layout well
in Epiphany.

      h3 {
        margin-bottom: -1em;

The negative em is dodgy, in IE.

I can see the bindings being interpreted as <dt> elements in a
definition list, and the summary representing marked up as <dd>.  But
there are no <dl> tags in the web-devel-2 content.

So I ask, am I being too picky about the markup?  Using <blockquote>
because I want an indent doesn't seem right, but I can do it since it is
done in many places in web-devel-2.

__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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