Re: About Metaphorical Thoughts

[Thilo, note this is cc: to the gnome-web-list.]

From: "Thilo Pfennig" <tp alternativ net>
> I have a thought to add:
> As you mentioned the sun and the sunrise - maybe you also should think
> about the moon as the opposite to the sun, not just part of the night.
> As sun goes down the moon comes out and the other way arround. This
> important for many old cultures. So this is not really another thing,
> but a slighty different approach.
> Another idea: Maybe you could use "bad weather" as a symbol for bugs
> somewhere displayed.

Good thoughts. For now I'm just trying to get agreeable templates so we
can finish the new site. But I definitely was hoping for something more
obviously thematic along the lines of your idea.

It's been difficult finding *free* graphics for the site just to begin
with, and half of the ones we're using are probably in a gray area.
While they're modified heavily, and just slivers at that, does anybody
out there feel we should be more disciplined and account for all the
graphics at this point? We can quickly exchange them with others if any
problems arise, but any further thoughts? (Lemme just add that original
art by ourselves would be best, then we KNOW we're ok!)

Steve Hall  [ digitect mindspring com ]

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