We Have Bugzilla Love

Sorry, should have already mentioned this...

We now have a Bugzilla module for the website!

You can lodge bugs by going to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ and clicking on
"Enter a new bug report". Way down the bottom of that list of modules you'll
see "website"; click on it and you'll find yourself at a bug entry form for
website issues. Here:


There are a number of components for our website bugs, most of them for
subdomains or the various developer projects. Check them out here:


[ I'm currently listed as contact for developer and www because the
webmaster gnome org list doesn't have a Bugzilla account, and we haven't
really discussed how to handle these. We can't all be on the webmaster list,
but we'd like a lot of helpers to see bugs if they're interested, so... ]

Then you enter your issues and commit the bug, and someone comes to your
rescue. ;)

To query for bugs, go to bugzilla.gnome.org, click "Query existing bug
reports". Choose 'www' from the products list, and choose the component
you're interested in reviewing if you want to limit the results.

Go forth and lodge! :)

- Jeff

             It's not just a song! It's a document of my life!              

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