Re: My first stab at the site

On 17 Mar 2001 01:57:54 -0600, Joakim Ziegler wrote:
> It still looks a lot more like a Usenet-like forum than a news posting forum
> to me.

I'm not totally sure what you mean by this, but I guess I don't see it
as so different from most news sites. I guess we can copy the article
text into the comments section like Gnostices and Slashdot do. I'm not
sure what else is different. There is a reply button next to each post.
They are show hierarchical, and the latest version of SourceForge (which
I'm not currently using) allows you to change views to nested,
flattened, threaded, and ultimate(?). See for an example (the
news and forums actually use the same code).

> Well, for instance, the static parts of the page don't have automatically
> generated navigation. If the menu stuff in SF can't do dynamic menus on
> anything unless it's in the database, it's not very useful.

Actually they do dynamic menus based on where you are at too. If you go
to you will see there now there are
project related links in the menu. Basically what they have is if
menu.php detects something (eg, the group_id variable) is shows the
extra menus. There are also Foundry links that get displayed only when
you are on a Foundry page.

> It seems to me we could get the software map and other pieces out of SF, and
> do our own templates and menus and whatnot.

We can overhaul the menuing system if need be, but I don't see what
writing our own templates will give us that the code doesn't already
have. We can add onto it easily and being able to theme by section (ie,
developer. foundation. ) seems very nice to me.

Should I perhaps develop this a bit more to provide a bettter example or
does anyone have better ideas?


Steve Fox

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