Re: Integrating 'G' Web Sites

On 17 Nov 2000, Cleber Rodrigues Rosa Junior wrote:

> I'd like to hear what you guys think of something like
> a collection of all 'G' projects. Let me explain:
> & & & & 
> (& many others), content should be glued somehow. A perfect
> solution would be having a highly modular website, with common
> look and fell while allowing individual projects to handle their own
> websites.
> I think putting all this under's umbrella would encounter 
> some resistance. The arguments and reasons could be of the kind: 
> 'Gnome was born from Gtk, not the other way around!' or 
> 'Gnome people didn't write Gimp!'. Not that I agree with them but
> I believe they would come up and stand.
> What do you think of something like or
> (or some other name) that would glue them all together?
> I think this would more easily identify the boundaries of each project
> and the way they play together. Besides stressing our roots (GNU, in
> case you'd forgot :) 
> What do you guys think???

This reminds me a great deal of the layout and strategies behind the
Apache Software Foundation's site.  ASF provides the umbrella site, and
branches out from there.  HTTP Server, Foundation, Jakarta, Perl, PHP, and
so on.  There's also an inheritence that goes along with websites being
under the 'Apache Umbrella', because now that the ASF is a legal entity,
projects are supplied a parent organization through which various legal
and business issues can be handled.  Which is, incidentally, literally the
only reason the ASF was created in the first place: protecting the
developers from being sued. :)

A similar approach for an umbrella Gnome (Or GNU.  Lord knows the GNU
website has needed an overhaul for years) site would probably work, though
I definitely agree you will hear objections, especially regarding Gimp and


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