Method for accessing SQL databases

I'm about to write a Gnome-VFS module for accessing SQL databases
(primary MySQL and Oracle). And I was wondering if there is some kind of
standard related to mapping a URL to an SQL query. And if I'm forced to
hack something myself I would appreciate opinions from others.

I imagine it could look something like this:
scheme://[[user[:password] ]host[:port]]/[database]?query

Or perhaps instead of query:

There didn't seem to be anything suitable here:

But I found the following related URI schemes:

HTDB     Couldn't find enough information to determine whether this is
         suitable. It looks promising.

JDBC     This is apparently widely used but from what I can see it only
         addresses the database, and can not be used to access any
         specific data.

mysql    I would be stupid to use this for accessing a non-MySQL server,
         even if it perhaps would work fine.

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