Using vfs api to create start menu entries

Hi guys,
I'm developing an application's install packages.
It needs to create a desktop shortcut and start menu
shortcut during the installation.
After I searched gnome api library, I thought
gnome-vfs-api could make it, and it really did.
However, there're some features missed in the
gnome-vfs-api, for example, setting the directory's
icon. I'm not sure if there're any gnome api I can use
to set icon of a vfs directory, such as
"applications:///Games/My Games". The second is, the
user should relogin to see the newly created menu. Is
there any api I can use to reload/repaint the start
Besides, I found another problem which might have
nothing to do with vfs. That is, if a directory name
of a desktop file cotains more than three dots like
"one.two,three", the start menu can only show out
"one.two". Is it a bug of Gnome?

Any advice is appreciated.


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