GnomeVFSFileType vs. mime types

I developed an extension for Mozilla that uses GnomeVFS to access protocols such as smb: and sftp:. To support directory listings as well as file retrieval, I had to add code to determine whether to call gnome_vfs_directory_open or simply gnome_vfs_open. The code I used checks the mime type of the URL by callling gnome_vfs_get_file_info.

I noticed that this function seems to return a mime type of "x-directory/normal" when the URL corresponds to a directory. So, the code in Mozilla currently tests for this mime type, and calls gnome_vfs_directory_open if it detects this mime type.

Now, when I upgraded my system to Gnome 2.6, I noticed that the smb: protocol handler sometimes returns a mime type of "x-directory/smbshare" and in some cases it even returns an empty string for the mime type. I think the empty string case is probably a bug in the smb: protocol handler code, but I haven't verified that.

At this point, I feel that checking the mime type is probably not the best solution. I could check for "x-directory/" prefixes, but I haven't found any documentation to confirm that that is the right thing to do. And, besides... what do I do in the case where that mime type is sometimes empty?

So, I modified the code to use the GnomeVFSFileInfo::type instead of mime_type. I just test for the value of GNOME_VFS_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY, and everything appears to be happy.

However, there is this comment in gnome-vfs-file-info.h:

* GnomeVFSFileType:
* Identifies the kind of file represented by a #GnomeVFSFileInfo struct. (note,
* use of MIME types is preferred as this field may eventually disappear)

So, if use of mime types is preferred, what should I do?

Thanks in advance for any advice,

p.s., this is in regard to

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