Re: SFTP method for GNOME VFS

On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 09:21, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > I'm not entirely familiar with this work, though I did notice a private
> > library in OpenSSH with that name. Is the latter meant to be an
> > embryonic version?
> It is written by yakk and has no relation to OpenSSH. It's availible in 
> the libssh module in gnome cvs.
> > Do you know what the time frame for libssh is? If its completion is a
> > long way off, it might still be best to include my work, at least as an
> > intermediary. Also, do you know whether the library will include direct
> > support for the sftp protocol? If not, then the code I wrote can be used
> > with little modification.
> I don't know status or timeframe, but its supposed to have support for 
> sftp and stuff like setting up port forwards when you're already 
> connected.

Ok, I'll have a look at it and get in touch with the author. Thanks.

Bradford Hovinen    
School of Computer Science    Email:  bghovinen math uwaterloo ca
University of Waterloo        Office: Davis Centre 3527
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1 Canada  Phone:  (519) 888-4567 x3581

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