[gnome-summary] Initial GNOME Mass-Media TODO List

Hey everyone,

    Here's my attempt at creating an initial TODO list for GNOME
mass-media which is what we're calling the combined efforts of the GNOME
Weekly Summary and the new GNOME journal idea.  Feel free to comment,
add and re-email to the group anything else you'd like to see done (or
if you'd like to tackle any of the specific ideas).


Jim Hodapp
Full-time student of Electrical Engineering
Purdue School of Engineering @ Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
GNOME Mass-Media TODO List:

GNOME Weekly Summary:

1)	Polish the final framework for a proper translation framework for GNOME Weekly 		Summary (being worked on by danilo)

2)	Create a specification (HIG?) for properly formatting the XML files for the 		GNOME Weekly Summary (how to tab, length of each lines, spacing, etc).

GNOME journal:

1)	Create an initial website look and navigation for the GNOME journal idea (being 	worked on by seraph and case currently)

2)	Get the work done (document build system) by shaunm working for the GNOME

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