Re: [gnome-summary] GNOME Journal proposal

Jim Hodapp wrote:
Hey everyone,

    Attached to this email is a proposal for the GNOME Journal (the
monthly publication idea that we've been chewing on for a bit).  Feel
free to add to it and post your changes to the list or if you just want
to write suggestions in an email, that'd be fine.  I'm excited about the
possibilities for this.

Jim Hodapp

Silly late night idea, but I'd figure I'd throw it out here since we're brainstorming:

From what I've been gathering on irc, some kind of super sweet xml is the right way to do this (I don't know jack about XML, but it sounds to me like we can massage it anyway we see fit), perhaps (since Jim's original email mentioned Linux Journal) we could do this as a website, and then wrap up monthly for print/whatever?

I'm thinking nothing but original content for this, so there would be no overlap with existing GNOME news efforts. It sounds like the existing idea would be a monthly production, which gives us about 4 weeks to put an "issue" together. Would something a bit saner like "we plug in little chunks throughout the week online, and then wrap it all the good stuff at the end of the month in one huge docbook article suitable for printing" work better?


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