Re: [gnome-summary] Gnome Summary Future Plans

Jim Hodapp wrote:

    Excellent, what do you specifically want to help work on?  I'm thinking
about creating a new publication for GNOME that comes out monthly that would
be more like an online magazine (think LinuxJournal for GNOME).  If that's
what you meant then we should talk.


Jim Hodapp

We spoke about your "gnomejournal" idea on irc and you wanted me to chime in on the list, so here I am. Disclaimer: I'm new here and am just looking for a way to start getting involved with GNOME, so I figured this might be a good idea.

Some thoughts I had:

a) There's a lack of "original content" to report on outside of the normal news channels. Rehashing footnotes + g-s + planet would be kind of futile. What would make sense is original content that is gnome related, I was thinking taking something like "GNOME tips" and expanding it further into full length features.

b) You could tie in the announcements from g-s into the mag. For example, let's say Foo 2.0 is announced, maybe that month you can go into detail on "Using Foo 2.0 to Frobnicate Your Documents". As an another example, I frequently read that some people don't like the spatial nautilus, and then quickly say "maybe I just don't _get it_", or "I think I'm using it wrong." This is where something like "A Visual Tour through the new Nautilus" or something might come in handy.

Another example:, where rml says "Havoc mentioned awhile back that the concepts of minimizing and workspaces are a little contradictory -- you can either adopt this multiple-virtual-workspace paradigm, or you can adopt the single-workspace-with-minimizing thing. I think I agree. I never minimize. In fact, I will go so far as to say minimizing windows minimizes yourself. It shrinks you as a person. Don't do it."

WHOA! Why didn't someone tell me this before? Am I using GNOME wrong? What's the multiple-virtual-workspace paradigm, and I supposed to be using it? It'd be totally sweet if someone would sort of show me (the user) some of these abstract ideas.

And that's just windowing. Remember the first time you opened dashboard? I sat there looking at it for 2 minutes thinking "well now what I supposed to do with this?" It wasn't until I read blogs and articles about the whole "relevant information at a glance" that the idea kicked in. I still have no idea how VFolders are supposed to work in Evolution because I've never seen it explained anywhere in a way that explains to me why they rule so much.

Perhaps this is an area where we can find a niche, and communicate the desktop paradigms of GNOME in plain $language, with lots of screenshots and detail, plus little tips and tricks that just don't seem to be written down anywhere. I've been using GNOME since "October GNOME", and I just found the "use the scrollwheel over the volume widget to adjust volume" last month! These are gold! We just need to write them down in a fun and interesting manner that people will find interest in.

Granted this might sound like it's just rehashing of the User Guides, but perhaps a more focused approach on certain topics would lead users to the documentation for reference.

long winded,


PS - Count me in for working on this.

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