Re: 2x Sync Evolution for 2 different profiles

On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 12:53 +0100, Guillaume Lecanu wrote:
> > In the setup of the conduits there is 2 parts, on the top "Condui,ts
> > Actions", theses informations are correctly saved separately into
> > the config files.
> > But on the bottom, there is a part "Conduits Parameters" with the
> > choice of the profile, and all changes in one of the 3 conduits is
> > reported on the others..  
> > I have not found where the bottom part is saved on the HD, do you
> > know where is it ?
> > 
> > Thanks
> Hi,
> Is anyone know where conduits parameters are saved on the machine
> please ?

As I said in my previous post, the gnome-pilot gpilotd and conduits
parameters are stored in ~/.gnome2/gnome-pilot.d/
On my system that directory contains a file called e-address-conduit
that has, among other things "secret=true" or "secret=false".  This
parameter is controlled by the 'bottom part' of the conduit config
screen that you describe.

As for the profile, I do not know where that is stored, as it doesn't
seem to be reflected in this file, nor anywhere that I could see in the
~/.evolution directories.  You could probably find out by examining the
evolution conduits source.  Maybe someone else knows?


Matt Davey		If I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times....
mcdavey mrao cam ac uk 

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