Network Sync?


can anybody sync their pilot with gnome-pilot over the network?

I'm using a Sony Clie NZ/90U which doesn't work over USB with either
pilot-link or gnome-pilot. It works over a serial cable, but that's not
connected to the cradle so it kinda suck to switch cables all the time.
Being able to use the 802.11 card to sync would be sweet. It's much
faster than serial as well... :) 

Network sync works fine with pilot link and pi-csd, however I don't get
a connection with gnome-pilot. I noticed that gpilotd is opening a UDP
socket on port 19237. pi-csd does this as well, however it alos opens a
TCP socket on 14238.

Is this difference the problem, and how to solve it?

I edited ~/.gnome2/gnome-pilot.d/gpilotd and put my network info in
there, just as I specified it on the pi-csd command line:


But this didn't help either...

I'm using pilot-link 0.11.7, gnome-pilot 2.2.1 and evolution 1.4.

Any help appreciated.

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
- Steven Wright

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