Re: hi

<quote who="Thomas Vander Stichele">

> The thing that would make me have doubts about debian however is the fact 
> that it's still very user-unfriendly

A lot of Debian people would say that yes, it's still unfriendly for the
most part, but the infrastructure is there to fix that, if people could be
bothered to do the work. Most Debian developers are not so interested in
doing that - it's not a high priority for them.

> and the lack of a good GUI installer has always been a problem for debian.
> I'm not sure if that'll get solved any time soon since it's already been
> so long coming.

These already exist... See Bastien's email (and some of the other Debian
based desktop distros).

> As a side question : what archs are you planning to support ?

Hmm. I hadn't even thought of this. Perhaps Intel and PPC, 'cos GNOMErs have
a fair amount of knowledge of both, and we'll probably draw interest mainly
from Maccish people anyway. :-)

> b) defining the userbase.
> I'm a big fan of not reinventing the wheel, so I'd want to know personally 
> how this distribution would differ from other stuff out there to see the 
> bigger point.
> In particular, where does it differ from :
> * ximian

It's a complete OS, integrated from the ground up.

> * elysium

It's, um, crack free. :-) Dunno, perhaps some work can be shared, but I
think Rodney's quest is based mostly on angst, rather than dedicated
usability analysis.

> So I'll just lay back and follow the discussions for a while.

Welcome, you're a cool person to have along for the ride. :-)

[ Re: RPM... I think the package format would be better for us, but I think
the Debian distribution has more finesse and network effect to help us...
RPM distros seem to be defined more by Red Hat's rules than their own, apart
from SuSE. Dunno how we can solve that nicely, and gain the benefits of both
sides. ]

- Jeff

   "When there's public debate and mass hysteria, that's when the patches   
                         roll in." - Michael Meeks                          

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