Re: GnuCash page on GO site

On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 10:12:08AM +0100, Rodrigo Moya was heard to remark:
> > but its only gotten to 0.2 
> > 
> it does basically waht libgda does. I have no time now to look at it
> with detail, so what's so different on it from libgda?

Well, this is the fundamental political problem, isnt it?

I could say the same about libgda: "it does basically what 
qof does. I don't have the time to figure out what libgda
does, so why don't you tell me what it does?"

The point is, I think, that qof already does things that 
gnucash needs.  Indeed, its a spinoff from gnucash.  In fact,
it does some things that libgda does not currently do. 
So why should I go out of my way to rip up the guts of
gnucash to replace it with libgda which does less than
what gnucash already does?

We were both invited to have this discussion, I'm trying 
to hold up my end of the bargain. 


pub  1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <linas linas org>
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