[no subject]

2) CORBA is effectively a distinct development platform
    This means that one either uses CORBA as a the native data type
    in your app or you map back and forth as information flows.
    The result is a trend toward very narrow interfaces with wide
    data types, in the extreme I would represent this as
	interface foo {
	    Any apply (in Any args);
    Obviously things are not that bad but there is definite pressure
    in that direction.  Witness the the bonobo-ui 'lets pass xml' or
    gnumeric using xml to control guppi.

    Another presentation of this is the duality of the objects.  On
    one hand you need to avoid having wrappers to the CORBA objects
    because it is a life cycle nightmare (eg make sure you close the
    sibling object when its twin is removed/destroyed).  However,
    you don't get much choice if you are trying to use GObject.
    GLib is much more comfortable as a development environment.

The combined effect of this was to delay graphs in gnumeric by at
least a year. 

Let me be clear, bonobo/corba are useful technologies _but_ they are
not a panacea.  They should only be used in the situations that make

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