[Fwd: Re: Xine and GStreamer]

Forwarding this as Guenter keep using his unsubscribed mailaddress :)
Guenter I fixed it by subscribing you now with your regular mail address
(but I marked it as not to recieve mail)

--- Begin Message ---
hi christian,

On 09/17, Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 13:30, Guenter Bartsch wrote:
> > also i'd like to hear from you if there's anything wrong with libxine or
> > if you have any wishes/feature requests - libxine's api is currently
> > being redesigned so this is the time to consider these. there are also
> > some efforts going on to push libxine into the direction of video
> > processing/editing and what's exiting about this one is that it looks
> > like this isn't going too take too much effort (even though libxine was
> > never designed for that).
> Hmm, and I was hoping that in the long term perspective xine would be
> turned into a set of GStreamer plugins. So much for that hope then ;)

that's certainly not an option, but maybe some gstreamer plugins could be
ported over to xine? :->
> Is cooperation on libcolorspace as a shared colorspace library between
> Xine and GStreamer (and others of course) an option?

personally i'm not working on that part of xine (since i think this part
is finished for a long time now), but i could certainly imagine some xine
developers want to work on that - just ask on the xine-devel mailing
list. the current colorspace conversion code in xine is based in large
parts of aaron's and michel's work on libmpeg2 so i guess these are the
right persons to talk to.

btw. i think if you do colorspace conversion in software for playback
purposes performance is really important. for caching reasons so far my
impression was that doing colorspace conversion and scaling in one
algorithm is the best way to go.

> Btw, anyone else on this list reading this who would be interested in
> hacking on a colorspace library feel free to get in touch. Check out
> http://www.codecs.org for some more details and to look at the code
> already there.

just looked at the colorspace pages and was amazed how many colorspaces
you're considering that i have never seen anybody use :)



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