Gnome-Media update

Figured I'd let you multimedia type people know whats up with
gnome-media at the moment. A sort of "State of the union" thing.

Currently the only new thing in HEAD since the last release is a status
docklet for gnome-cd. It has a few bugs to be worked out, but is quite

The interesting stuff is all happening over on the gnome-2-0-gstreamer
branch. Check it out using 
cvs -z3 checkout -r gnome-2-0-gstreamer gnome-media

It requires gstreamer to compile, and if you want to use the
gnome-sound-recorder to record you'll need CVS gstreamer from tonight.
This new gnome-sound-recorder is a completely rewritten program, and is
by no means finished, but it will give you all a rough idea whats

Okay. Bye bye, time to plot the takeover of the world.
"But little they know that it's so hard to find
 One rich man in ten, with a satisfied mind"

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