Re: Ctrl-Alt-F1 does not switch to a text mode console

Dixit Telsa Gwynne (Wed Dec 31 04:29:01 2003):
> > Then Ctrl-Alt-F1 did not work.  Am I on the right track?  Could there
> > be something in the Panel that intercepts Ctrl-Alt-F1?  Thanks.
> There are a _lot_ of keyboard bindings in Gnome. control-alt-tab
> to focus the panel, for example (by default, anyway). You can read
> and 
> spend hours messing about with them :) 
> But it would surprise me to find control-alt-F[1-8] allotted 
> to anything in Gnome: X knows and uses those already. 

I have found the problem: it is the GNOME Keyboard Applet.

If I log in without this applet in the panel, then Ctrl-Alt-F1 works.
As soon as I add the applet, the key combination stops working.
Even after I remove the applet from the panel, the key combination
still does not work.  I have to log out of GNOME and log in again
to fix the problem.

GNOME's keyboard applet attempts to capture a user-specified key
combination in order to change the keyboard layout when the
combination is used.

So I will avoid using gkb for now and file a bug report on the
GNOME site.  Thanks to all who answered.

Pierre Sarrazin <sarrazip at sympatico dot ca>

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