GTK(?) vs unclutter... please fix!

Is anyone looking at the horrible mess GTK (I guess it's GTK) makes when
used with unclutter?

I've been using unclutter for over 12 years and I've almost never had
any problems with it... until Gnome.  All sorts of different Gnome apps
completely go bonkers when unclutter is running.  They start swapping
focus back and forth and my system essentially hangs up (for a while,
until the focus switching eventually works itself out), or some apps
(like Galeon) have widgets lose focus when the mouse pointer is hidden,
so I'll by typing along into a text box or using the arrow keys to
scroll and suddenly all my keyboard input is being completely ignored,
dropped directly into the bit bucket.  Just moving the mouse so it
reappears isn't good enough, I have to click on the widget again.

It's hugely annoying!

It might not be GTK (in which case I do apologize to GTK :), but I do
see it in various GTK-based apps.  Anyway, if anyone can, please, fix
this, I would be most happy.


PS. I'm using Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Woody), with Debian Gnome .debs,
    with libgtk 1.2.10.  I'm happy to provide more details to whomever
    might be interested...

 Paul D. Smith <pausmith nortelnetworks com> HASMAT--HA Software Mthds & Tools
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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