Abiword fan mail

I was just on the ABISource web site and find they have no
obvious address to which I can send fan mail! what a shame.  In
case you are considering it, I have a success story. 

I was at a US National Science Foundation panel where reports
were being prepared in--watch out--MS Word.  They gave out
diskettes with a template word document and everybody was
supposed to use their machines to enter stuff.  I thought thier
pcs were kinda limiting, they had this unusual operating system
called Microsoft Winodws.  So I asked to use my laptop and they
said OK. SO I fired up a Dell with RH linux and the ABIWord was
in there. I'd never used it before, but it seamlessly imported
the Word document, I entered the stuff in the template just
fine, and created rtf output that the administrator could print
on their windows networked printer.  The best part was that the
administrator had the "hide file extensions" box checked in
Windows explorer, so it did not even reveal to her that I had
turned in a rtf file rather than a doc.  All in all, I found it
to be an unexpectedly pleasant computing experience.

Spread the word!
Paul E. Johnson                       email: pauljohn ukans edu

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