Re: move window to another workspace?

pauljohn ukans edu writes:
> Well, what about this?  Different workspaces can have different
> backgrounds, which I like a lot!  There are also workspace
> dependent features in my window manager, WindowMaker.  There is
> a "clip" of docked icons that differs across workspaces.  I
> frequently make use of these differences across workspaces.

Yes, but you could implement both of those features for viewports
too. It's just a random accident that WindowMaker has them only for

That's why having both is so pointless - in fact it's sort of actively
annoying, since they tend to accrue their own feature-sets, and you
arbitrarily have to choose between two feature sets.

> So, I think your statement that the difference between the two
> is partly related to which window manager you use.

Sure, my statement is more "all window managers could simply pick one
or the other and implement all features for that one."


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