Re: make gnome listen on localhost:*

On 06/14/00 17:43:17 -0700 Jim Gettys <> wrote:
| Fundamentally, you have to get things secure in the first place....

But the first step to security is not leaving open network ports that 
aren't being actively used.  The second step is to not run anything that 
hasn't passed a security audit except on secure *disconnected* (*not* 
firewalled!) subnets.

| I don't know about you, but I run a network even at home, and it is
| clear that this is becoming common.  Even my PDA goes on the net, and I

Sure.  I'm on the network virtually continuously.  That doesn't mean I want 
my desktop to be actively soliciting connections from anyone, and it 
doesn't mean that I should need to rely on a firewall to correct for my 
desktop's promiscuity.  If I want to allow network access to something on 
my desktop, *I will specifically enable that access*.  Otherwise... well, 
ActiveX is suddenly starting to look downright secure.

| Gnome should be following X's original vision, that of being able to run
| applications wherever is appropriate, with the display in front of you.

Uh, with respect, X is *the* prime example of a network application with no 
serious concern for security in its design.  If I run X with TCP enabled 
(naturally, it's the default...) I *have* to run a firewall to have any 
security.  Which is dead wrong, because

1. it's a band-aid for insecure applications

2. firewalls as primary security policy are false security because you 
can't make them *reliably* deal with all possible acceptable vs. 
unacceptable access.  Not even with application proxies or stateful 
firewalls; there are well known ways to spoof both.

It is correct to say "fix the security holes in the application, don't just 
disable network access"; it is completely incorrect to say "leave it on the 
network by default until the security holes are fixed".

When ORBit has passed a third party security audit, you can enable TCP by 
default.  Until then, it's just begging for trouble.

brandon s. allbery     [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator        [WAY too many hats]
electrical & computer engineering                                      KF8NH
carnegie mellon university      ["better check the oblivious first" -ke6sls]

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