Re: Please answer two questions regarding the new Gnome

> 1.	For some reason the control-center loads up every time I boot.  I
> cannot find out how to disable this.  Any ideas?

Close the control-center, then choose "System->Save Session" or logout with
the "Save Session" button checked.

> 2.	I switched to the 100dpi fonts after upgrading to Helix Gnome, but
> now the icon fonts on my desktop are unreadable because they are too
> small.  I can change every font on my system except them.  What am I
> missing?

You are missing nothing. The icon font's are fixed, it is a design bug in 

|   LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!   |
|  MSC #763, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126, USA. Tel: 1-626-395-1406  |
|,,     |

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