Re: The State of GNOME

SEGV <> writes:

| That in itself implies months of testing and debugging with the new libraries.
| In the real world, you don't just drop new foundation libraries into place,
| compile, and ship.

I'm not so sure it will take months as gnome has followed the
development series 1.1.x and the version before gtk+ 1.2.0 was 1.1.16
(released not long ago). But my point was that now one doesn't need to
juggle with several versions of gtk+ libraries as soon as the
applications are updated to 1.2.x (Of course that can take some time
for those built on 1.0.x) I take it for granted that moving into 1.2.0
means it is stable...
| If you release GNOME too early and it flops, that would be sad.

Yes true. But with too many features it will be even harder to get all
the bugs.


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