Python/GTK-based bug-reporting script

  Hi, I put together a Python script (using the Gnome/GTK+ bindings) that
does a similar job to the gnome-bug script but in a GUI interface.  I'm
attaching it to this message (it's small) for anyone who's interested; the
only feature I didn't implement that I'd really like to is the ability for
it to show a list of packages available for bug reports, and that's because
I don't know how.  Is there any 'standard' Gnome way to get either a list
of packages currently installed (preferably with descriptions) or failing
that, a list of packages available for the bug report?  Something like
dpkg --list would be nice..

  Of course, I guess that if you don't have gnome-python installed, this
doesn't help much. :-)  Should I rewrite it in..say..C++ or C? (it'll
probably be 3 times as long and tedious and for something so simple..)

  The universe, they said, depended for its operation on the balance of four
forces which they identified as charm, persuasion, uncertainty and
bloody-mindedness.  Thus it was that the sun and the moon orbited the Disc
because they were persuaded not to fall down, but didn't actually fly away
because of uncertainty...
  Some druids suggested that there were certain flaws with this theory, but
senior druids explained very pointedly that there was indeed room for informed
argument, the cut and thrust of exciting scientific debate, and basically
it lay on top of the next solstice bonfire.

     -- Terry Pratchett on Discworld religion, _The Light Fantastic_

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