gmc: Disk Usage

Would it be possible to add to gmc the ability to show disk usage?
My apologies if this is already there and I overlooked it.

Note that I am not referring to some useless capability that shows
only the total space consumed by *files* in the currect directory, but
rather the total space used by files *and* directories in the uorrent
directory, something akin to "du -s .".

The purpose of this capability would be to answer the age-old
question, "where the heck am I using all this disk space?"  The user
would select a folder in the tree view and request a disk usage
calculation.  Disk usage might be written in the tree view, next to
the directory name, or more neatly, in a new column in the "Detailed
View".  During the computation, gmc would keep track of disk usage of
each directory encountered during the scanning of the branch, because
the user will inevitably navigate down the branch to look for the
space hog.

Needless to say, this is not something that gmc should undertake
calculating unless it was specifically asked.  Also, I suppose this
raises the question about how, once calculated, gmc would keep this
information current.  Presumably gmc could remember the modification
times of directores on the branch and discard the stored information
if it found that the dates had changed.

Best regards.


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