RE: Canvas limitations (was Re: Coding question, canvas)

> Look at the 'ezpaint' module in CVS, the 'EZPaste' object has a grid
> (however it doesn't work right now. :-) I know how to fix it, but haven't
> yet.

Ok, after looking through ezpaint and gnome-canvas-*, I think I'm
starting to get this a bit more. The functions that I need to implement
are these:

translate: perform a simple translation (dx, dy), then request an

bounds: return the item's bounding box.

update: build an ArtVpath, make an affine transformation and update the
region of the canvas that is covered by the calculated svpclip. This
would be done by putting lots of small paths together, one for each
dot, as you suggested, right?

render:	gnome_canvas_render_svp for the item, and then propagate
towards to root of the class tree.

point: calculate the distance from a point to the item. In my example,
with lots of small dots, would this be the distance from the point to
the nearest dot then? Or would it be zero since it's within the
bounding box? The bounding box would be the complete area of the grid in
my case, if I got that part right.

event: take care of events.

Did I get this right? If it's way off, maybe you should give up trying
to explain it to me ;)

Thank you very much for your patience and time

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