gtkicq suggestions

just a few thoughts about gtkicq, that maybe could be implimented easily.

- a [send through server] button instead of a global option

- an option to keep the reply dialog box open - would make carrying a
	conversation out a bit easier.

- at the moment, when it's unhidden, it always returns to the same place, not
	the place it was when you hid it.

- slightly out of alignment about dialog box :)

- file transfer would be nice but i s'pose you're working on that :)

- maybe consider popping and in the package?

- is [online] and [offline] nessesary when you have icons showing a user's

- maybe an option to hide the menubar and status bar? seeing as your status
	appears in the panel, maybe the status bar could be turned off? or an option
	given to turn it off?

- maybe you could turn off the scrollbar at the right as well :) you can
	scroll down and up by clicking in the names bit and dragging up or down. 

maybe those ideas aren't as important though. i'm just a minimalist :)

anyway, thanks for listening,

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