Re: GNOME upgrade

Timothy Murphy ('s email of 08/02/99 15:42 said:

>Shouldn't some sort of README file come with GNOME upgrades?

They do.

>It's pretty confusing to a GNOME newbie like me
>to just be given a list of 17 (or whatever) RPM files.

If you don't like RPMs, don't use them. If you are merely confused 
because you don't know how RPM works, try typing "man rpm". The README is 
included in the tarballs. I think RPM even puts them in 
/usr/doc/<packagename> IIRC.

>Am I alone in feeling that GNOME developers
>are somewhat lacking in common sense?

Probably, seeing as you don't appear to have a handle on how package 
management works yet. Even if the are somewhat lacking in common sense, 
remember that that usually means "very very focused" on something more 

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