Re: Problem building libgnome with latest change

Darin Adler <darin bentspoon com> writes:

> Running my normal "get latest and build" script, my libgnome build failed.
> Strangely, aclocal is failing, saying:
>     aclocal: 153: macro `AM_GCONF_SOURCE' not found in library
> But line 153 of says AM_GCONF_SOURCE_2, and that *is* in
> gconf.m4 right there where aclocal should find it. So I have no idea what
> this error message about AM_GCONF_SOURCE means.
> Maybe I have a bad version of autoconf -- it says 2.52. Anyone have a clue
> what I'm doing wrong?

I had this problem, and it took a while to track down.  You need to
update your gconf-2.0.m4 file.  The old one had:


on it's first line, that somehow managed to confuse aclocal (despite the
fact it's a comment!)


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