Re[2]: i18n and GNOME hackers

Frederic> There are probably other applications (I noticed
Frederic> some at GUADEC on other people system) but I didn't had time to write
Frederic> about them.
The problem is that the maintainers are likely to fix the bugs marked as
important at first, but not those easy-fix ones.

As a translator, I often submit patches in bugzilla when i18n issues
related, and mark them as easy-fix, cause it won't break anything else.
But it seems that the maintainers always look at it after a few weeks.

And for evolution, I really don't know what they are doing. The maintainers
have collected all the i18n-related bugzilla tickets together, then tell
me waiting.... :(

BTW, Frederic, Mandriva specific tools are always hard to translate sometimes,
because Mandriva are not using the most commonly used words. I haven't heard of
something named "WAN cards", for example. But, Mandriva guys response quickly
then normal GNOME hackers ;)


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